Google Ads

Digital Marketing &
Google Ads Maintenance

We can help you broaden your reach and re-engage current customers through Google Ads Management and Remarketing.

Helping you maximize your online visibility

Looking for more online exposure for your business, but don’t know where to start? We can help you put your message in front of your customers through Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) maintenance and a variety of other digital marketing tools/strategies. Today, customers are being bombarded with ads non-stop, making it essential for your brand to stand out. At Blackstar ads, we can help you cut through the clutter by developing creative, memorable campaigns. Find out why so many leading brands trust our team with not only their web design and SEO, but also their Google Ads maintenance and Digital marketing campaigns.

Google Ads Maintenance

PPC ads can help you quickly drive targeted search traffic to your website. Our research-based approach will take you from identifying the ideal search terms for your campaign to curating an ad campaign built around your brand. Our team will take care of everything from market and keyword research to writing and ad creative. Once your ads are up and running, we’ll maintain your campaign and send you monthly updates!

Remarketing Management

Remarketing allows you to show display advertising (also called banner ads) all around the web, to people who have been searching for your particular products or services. We can help you structure a remarketing campaign that targets either past website visitors, or people who have searched for your targeted keywords on Google. Both can help improve brand awareness and drive more targeted traffic to your website.


Google-Certified Professionals

A lot goes into maintaining a successful Google Ads campaign. We are lucky to have two very talented Google Ads certified individuals (who have completed all 5 of Google’s available certifications) on our team to make sure our clients’ campaigns are performing at their best!

Why hire Blackstar Ads for my next Google Ads campaign?

Besides having two Google-certified individuals on our team, we are also proud to be a Google Partner. Other companies may put on more events and create more hype around their Google Ads Maintenance service, but that’s really where our differences from most Google Partners end. We separate ourselves from the pack through our knowledge of marketing (and what that means for our re-marketing campaigns), our top-tier SEO team, and our proprietary WordPress Framework. Did you know that improving your on-page SEO will also reduce your Google Ads cost?

How much should I budget for Google Ads?

Setting a Google Ads budget really depends on your market, the level of competition in your niche, and your desired outcome (the number of new leads you’re looking for every month). Generally, however, Google Ads budgets start at around the $500/month level (with management fees starting around $400/month).

What’s better – SEO or Pay-per-click?

Both are useful in their own way. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization (improving your “organic” rankings), and PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click and refers to Google Ads (the ads you see at the top and bottom of most Google searches). In general, if you stop paying Google, your Ads will disappear; however, SEO has the potential to provide online exposure long after a website has been optimized. Although we believe SEO is of the greatest importance, most digital marketing experts will argue that a combination of SEO and PPC is the most effective way to attract potential customers and increase brand awareness.

Why should I hire a professional to maintain my digital ads?

A professional (in the case of Google Ads, this means a Google Ads Certified individual) must understand a lot about not only your business but how to properly set up and maintain your Google Ads campaign. They must have a solid understanding of which keywords to target and which to avoid. They also have to know how to track/monitor conversion rates, integrate call tracking, configure geo-targeting and create video ads. Once your ads are running, a professional will know which ongoing adjustments to make in order to ensure your ads are performing at their optimal level.

Do I need a long term contract for effective digital marketing?

No, at Blackstar Ads, we do not require long term contracts for our Google Ads maintenance service. Clients that maintain their Google Ads with us do it because they know they have a knowledgeable London digital marketing professional on their side every step of the way, not because they’re tied into a contract.