Web Design

Website Design & Development

We’re here to take the guesswork out of building your next website. We design websites that look great and perform exceptionally well on search engines.

More Flexibility With WordPress

More websites run on WordPress than any other system. It’s packed with functionality and, if utilized correctly, can be a great tool for SEO. Our Framework solves two of the most common problems associated with poor WordPress installs: slow loading speed and a lack of security. By combining some of our proprietary tools into fewer script files, we have increased the speed of WordPress and improved security by eliminating a number of third-party plugins. Plus, unlike companies running a proprietary CMS, Blackstar Ads gives you the flexibility to host anywhere!

Optimized for Search Engines

Although the Blackstar Ads Frameworkⱽ³ is packed with features, a central focus during its development was improving internal SEO (search engine optimization). There’s a lot that goes into deploying an effective SEO campaign, but we like to think of the Blackstar Ads Frameworkⱽ³ as a strong foundation for SEO success. For over a decade, we’ve been helping companies of all shapes and sizes improve their position on Google and attract more potential customers. Just look to our Case Studies for some of our SEO Success Stories.

Why is it important to hire an experienced London web development company?

I don’t want bells and whistles, I just want a good price!”

Yeah, we get that a lot! It’s important for business owners to understand that hiring an experienced web developer is not splurging — it’s a lasting investment in your business. For example, a website developed by a novice programmer might load in 2-3 seconds, while a website developed by one of our senior developers usually loads in less than one second. This might not seem significant, but it often makes the difference between a page #1 and page #2 placement on Google. What’s more, novice programmers will often shoehorn clients into employing off-the-shelf solutions, which do little to simplify business processes and almost never save money.

At Blackstar Ads in London, we aim to have your website working as a seamless extension of your brick & mortar business by designing and developing around your particular business needs.

How do I determine the right budget for my new website design?

The right budget ultimately depends on your goals. If the goal is to be in first place on Google, we have to look at your competitors and determine how we can match and exceed their online marketing efforts. In some cases, however, we also understand that some clients have a limited budget; in that case, we would recommend starting with a lower package and working your way up the rankings by implementing some of our recommendations on an ongoing basis. This will ensure you have the right foundation to build on for your future online marketing efforts.

Are there any shortcuts to getting on page #1 of Google?

The short answer is not really; however, the Blackstar Ads Framework is a single install which does a lot to improve SEO. Many of the design, functionality and SEO features we’ve built for ourselves and our clients are packed into the Blackstar Ads Framework. This saves a lot of time that we would otherwise spend optimizing a standard install of WordPress to load quickly with the right markup and the right on-page elements. That said, there are a number of external factors that must still be addressed. Take the building of citations, for example. This is still a manual process for which there is no short cut — just a lot of hard work!